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Create Basic Local RPM Repo
·477 words·3 mins
System-Administration Linux Packaging Rpm Fedora Redhat Suse
The ability to create a basic local repository can be useful in numerous ways, such as to create a local mirror to cache some packages, or to test/distribute some locally created packages.
Create a Basic Local DEB Package Repository
·578 words·3 mins
System-Administration Linux Packaging Deb Debian Ubuntu
The ability to create a basic local repository can be useful in numerous ways, such as to create a local mirror to cache some packages, or to test/distribute some locally created packages.


Rebuild a RPM Package
·715 words·4 mins
System-Administration Linux Packaging Rpm Fedora Redhat Suse
The basics of taking an RPM source package and rebuilding it, maybe with some modifications.
Rebuild a DEB Package
·247 words·2 mins
System-Administration Linux Packaging Deb Debian Ubuntu
The basics of taking an already-existing DEB source package and rebuilding it, maybe with some modifications.


Using Cmder for MSVC development (in VSCode too!)
·456 words·3 mins
System-Administration Windows
You too can develop for MSVC without using the full Visual Studio IDE!
Default to high-quality Bluetooth audio on Linux
·64 words·1 min
System-Administration Linux
Tired of it defaulting to garbage HSP quality all the time?


Docker Container Errors on Linux 4 15
·73 words·1 min
System-Administration Containers Linux Docker
On newer kernels, some Docker containers may not start correctly, often giving nonsensical errors. Notably CentOS6 images on Linux 4.15+.
Use Docker without sudo
·100 words·1 min
System-Administration Containers Linux Docker
It can become tiresome to precede every docker command with sudo. Adding oneself to the docker group can avoid that.
Jenkins Agent Service via Systemd
·232 words·2 mins
System-Administration Linux Windows
This describes getting Jenkins to run automatically on boot. While this can be reapplied more broadly, this is specifically about getting the Jenkins agents to run automatically on boot for Linux via systemd.
Disk Passthrough for KVM
·192 words·1 min
System-Administration Kvm Linux
Quite simply, if you’re comfortable with the Virutal Machine manager UI, create a VM like normal, and when it comes to giving it a storage volume, just give it a tiny dummy volume that will be discarded ASAP.